Wednesday, May 29, 2013


As much as I love Europe and Germany. I told myself I am not allowed to go back until I go to another country or continent. Thailand had always been at the top of my list. Ever since I went to massage school in 2004 I really wanted to study Thai massage in Thailand. My ex had lived in Thailand for 5 years and spoke Thai, so we talked about going together but that fell through. So I decided that I was tired of waiting. It was time to make it happen.

I watched about six movies on my flight from DC to South Korea where I had a layover and the movies had me pretty emotionally destabilized. From Seoul we connected to Bangkok and there I was in Thailand, after all these years. I exchanged some money, got a cab to the backpacker district on Khao San road. My room was spacious, basic and I got in around midnight after traveling for about 30 hours. I walked the crowded street got some pad thai and decided it was time for some sleep. That didn't happen because my room was directly across from a nightclub with the loudest music I have ever heard in my life. My nerves were shot and there was no escape. Earplugs, TV, nothing could block it out, so I just had to wait.
Luckily, a friend of mine Mark-who is half thai, who I hadn't seen in years just happened to be in Bangkok for the month working came to my hostel and rescued me. We spent the day in temples and took a boat ride and he took me back to his grandmothers house where I got my first experience of bathing from a bucket. The next day my friend Mark and his mom took me to get a traditional thai massage. Mark's mom could barely walk pre torture session.
This was the most painful massage I have ever had, but I was extremely grateful for the authentic experience. This was not a place that westerners find out about. Pure torture session. Afterwards and the rest of the trip I just soothed myself with incredible street food and accessible coffee.
Originally I was going to study massage in Bangkok, but the Universe was sending me messages to go north, so after about 4 days in massive, crazy Bangkok I took a tuk-tuk to the train station and trained it to the more managable Chiang Mai. The day long train ride was one of my favorite days. I kept meeting people who were traveling for long periods. I sat next to 18 year old girl from DC that was traveling for 6 months alone all over SE Asia. As much as I love roaming and traveling I can actually be a big baby about it. I love it but its hard for me.
This was Mark's favorite temple, right in the middle of a huge shopping area. Bangkok was a little too intense for me and having Mark help me around was an amazing coincidence. He's an awesome human being and his mom is too. They were kind enough to make me feel welcome in a foreign land while I was extremely jet lagged and out of sorts.
 My sisters friend found out I was in Thailand and told me about a school she does charity work for and suggested I could stop in and visit. It was right outside of Chiang Mai. So she introduced me to a thai friend that also happened to be a tourguide. I found a great place to stay in Chiang Mai, a hostel like villa with a pool and a cost of 10$ a night. Once in Chiang Mai, I started touristing out.
Elephant camp. Rode an elephant. Played darts with one and got a kiss.
Then it was off to the Tiger compound. Pretty sure those are some drug addicted Tigers. Beautiful nonetheless.
I actually don't really like being a tourist. I feel like such a dork.
One can still be regal even drugged up.
Next it was off to the hill tribe school. Mark told me to bring me candies. I played soccer and badmindton with the kids. It was a beautiful day. I would like to do more.
The kids were beautiful and happy.
How does Angelina Jolie do it? One day wore me out.
So many beautiful temples. Great, cheap food. Make friends with a Canadian at the eco resort who has been traveling for 3 months. Flower festival. 5$ daily massages. Did my thai massage course and basically got one on one instruction. Thai teacher was hilarious.
"its no problem mister J, you can do everything. You good but you lazy. You hairy like King Kong, you eat too many hot dogs. Its no problem, you can do everything"
If you say so!
Random man sleeping in the street market.
I was ready to leave Thailand. So much order, beauty, chaos and color. I got some good rest in Chiang Mai. My only regret is that I wish I had more people to share it with. So thats why I am sharing it now. :)
From Chiang Mai, I took a bus to Bangkok and flew to Australia. Sometimes dreams do come true and they are nothing like the fantasies you had of them. I didn't make it to the beaches or the other surrounding southeast Asian countries. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like am amazing experience! Love reading about your travels and your life. Never change Miah, you're awesome!
