Saturday, June 29, 2013

Go Wherever you wanna go

My emotions are mixed. I am sad to be leaving Austin, vacillating between being connected and attached. I like my routine, my surroundings, its very comfortable, even feels like home. Movement is calling me, one last nomadic adventure before I make a possible commitment of a year lease. These three months in Austin have been just what I needed. I love it here but what kind of nomad would I be if I just settled down?

Memories of last year are surfacing, I can't help but compare. To Tuscon.  I love Romy and Michelles high school reunion. I watched it for the first time in high school and hated it and then watched it again years later and thought it was the funniest movie I have ever seen. Funny how things change.

I am listening to Patty Griffin's new album, American Kid. This song, Go where you want to go, resonates like a mother. So I decided to cover it for my last blog while in Austin. I drove to Austin on a whim a year a half ago, with a dream in my heart. To buy a guitar, learn how to sing, and write some songs for an album. Of course I got distracted, but I did work on it a bit. I used to be able to sing free and loud and that went away for a long while and its slowly coming back.

I love Patty, got to see her perform some songs from her new album here in Austin. Her albums Impossible Dream and Living with Ghosts got me through some hard times. For me she is the best singer songwriter.
I love Austin. I feel connected to people here, I love the topography and cooling off in the summer at Bartons. Got back into some tennis here. Took a writing class and been getting back into my meditation and recovery. I love leaving a place with my heart full and eager to return. Austin is one of the few places that does that to me. In the meantime. I will go Wherever I want to go. I am so excited for my roadtrip. To Tuscon, the west coast and then driving cross country for the first time and back with the family for grandfathers 90th birthday and a sisters wedding. Then after all that. I am planning to be back in Austin.  Many thanks to everyone for reading my blog. My nomad incarnation has been my most eclectic and fun yet. Maybe everything that motivates it is not all peaches and cream. Heres an attempt at songwriting/poetry. Maybe I will finish that album one day.

Today is not that day

One of these days I’m a settle down
I’ll buy me some land and hold my ground

I’ll get a little house and plant some plants
I’m gonna put some roots down in the yard

Today doesn’t happen to be that day
Maybe one day I will miss your sweet ways and bitter after taste
I always eat what’s on my plate

Even if it doesn’t taste so great
Don’t want to see you, hear you or smell you again
You poisonous frog

Maybe one day I will love you again from far away
Today is not that fucking day

Maybe down the road, I will remember I have a heart
And it will start working again before it’s too late
Put my two feet on the ground, keep on marching on
Keep on keeping on

Before I am six feet under
I am gonna settle down

Find me some land and stand my ground
Today is not that day





Saturday, June 22, 2013

swedish singers and wolves

I though it appropriate to talk about one of my favorite subject matters on this bursting full moon period. Last year when I leaving Austin, I was working on a puzzle. It was of a wolf.
I love puzzles, I can't wait until I can do another one.
This has been my 2nd puzzle I have completed as an adult. So I left Austin last summer and started traveling. I wasn't planning to go back to Miami, however, it ended up that I needed to take care of something with my car that was easiest to do in Miami. So at the beginning of this year, I found myself driving back to Miami.
The first person I had to let know was my dear friend Jude. Jude and I met through Miami Shambhala and did a few weekend meditation retreats and we just clicked and have continued to stay in touch. We bonded over Pema Chodron, Chogyam Trungpa and similiar struggles.
 I had a late Christmas present that I was giving to her and she had a present for me too.
I hope you can see, but its the same image of the wolf as my puzzle. Its little incidences like these that make me believe strongly in one Love and I was so happy with my new shirt. Did I mention I love Jude so much! She is just the best. Here we are reunited in Miami. There is not an adverb adequate enough to really capture how truly amazing she is. She is like a hidden gem of the Universe and I feel so lucky to have found her.
Did I mention I also love Swedish singers. It all started with Ace of Base and continued with Royksopp, the Sounds and First Aid Kit. Heres a mixture of my favorite things.
Jude left me with a parting gift as I left Miami. A tiger that I am gonna put on a necklace. With my tiger necklace and wolf shirt, I am gonna be unstoppable.
You better look out.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Incarnation. Identity. Growth. Dreams.

As much as I love my current incarnation of being a nomad, there have been other identities that I never wanted, nevertheless were there and things I wanted to be that never materialized. Its a bit overwhelming to integrate all these years, all these experiences. So if its true the truth will set you free and hurts, honesty is the best policy, then what is my truth?

I was a child at some point. A farmboy. I even look happy and I got this treasure for a little sister.
8th grade was an awful year.I got fat and didn't want to be me.
Outside, I was becoming a strapping lad. Inside, I wanted to die and wanted out of my life.
High school was a mixed bag. Tennis kept me together, but inside I was deeply unhappy on so many levels. I got mixed up with the wrong crowd and drugs and fantasy land became more and more appealing. I became a raver before I knew it.
Getting fucked up is short term relief for long term inability to deal with anything.
Then I really started losing control. I started having psychotic meltdowns. After my 3rd one in 6 months, they finally diagnosed me bi-polar and got me in a mental hospital. Nobody told me that I was also an addict. Not sure I would have listened. I went to 5 mental institions within 5 years and was on and off so many medications. I never thought I would be able to have a normal life.
Failed out of college and my medications had me pretty fucked up. At least I was off illegal drugs. That was a wake up call. It was time to get my shit together.
When you find yourself in hell, keep going is great advice. It took me about 6 years of a daily struggle and then things clicked. I went to massage school, got in a relationship, got a best friend,
got back into tennis. 2007 I was moving to Miami to pursue one of my first loves and dreams. Tennis.
It took me some years, but I got in great shape and started to have some good results. Then I realized, I still wasn't happy. I had put too much emphasis on tennis and neglected my personal relationships and other needs.
Its a bit crazy for me to reflect on these last 30 years. How many identities I have had. How quickly things can change and how much things are rarely what they seem on the outside. As much as I love being a nomad and feel so lucky that I have been able to live out some of my dreams. I also know its all so fragile and fleeting. I still go through bi-polar episodes and its just not that big of a deal anymore. I love roaming around and having a feeling of freedom and movement. No matter what my incarnation or identity, I can't escape myself no matter how hard I try. Believe me, I have tried really hard. Lets just say that if my nomad, author self is the best part of me and the stuff I want to show, the bi-polar, addict in me is the worst stuff and the stuff I don't want to show or accept.
 I never in a million years could have imagined my life would be this good and it's not easy. I just want to keep growing, evolving and dreaming.
Maybe one day I will be a ghost, but until then I plan on enjoying my life, whatever the incarnation.
Continue my dream of being a free spirit.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Do the courts really allow this lawlessness?

Julia runs and hugs me when she sees me, its such a nice way to be greeted. We haven't seen each other in years and its so good to see her. She lets me sleep on the floor of her room. Julia and I met at Cheesecake Factory in Baltimore in 2004 and have remained in contact. We are both from Maryland and become obsessed with the Baltimore, Maryland accent and John Water's quotes.

"Do the courts really allow this lawlessness, this malicious destruction of property to run rampant?"

Take the boat, out in the ocean, Hon.

The extreme Baltimore accent sounds like a mentally challenged person from the UK.
Julia and I have fun wherever we are, whatever we do. Laundromat. We can do nothing and everything. We are both deranged and drive Honda civics. Julia is the kind of girl that stubs her toe alot and by stubbing her toe I mean she fights with strangers.

There she is my favorite Baltimore girl: aka-Baltimore stain goddess/crazy cat lady.
stretching it out for rollerskating. so fun.
Never seen Julia so happy. Rollerskating makes you feel like a kid.
It was my fourth time to LA and I had never been to Venice Beach. WTF? Venice was awesome, its my kind of place. It was like Miami Beach times 100. There was a drum circle as the sun set.
Just so happened my sister and I were both in LA, she was performing her comedy. Angelika. So cute. We got to meet for coffee. This is redundant but the traffic in LA is horrendous. I was on vacation and it was very stressful. However, I don't think the traffic is going to stop me from living there. There is something about LA that I love, its intense in both directions. I do like extremes as long as the weather is nice.
Now, its one year later and I am gearing up to drive back to LA. I am really excited to experience it again and even more excited to be with the Baltimore stain goddess.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Adam in A'dam

Today a friend of mine was off to Amsterdam and I was reminded of one of the best trips of my life. Going to Amsterdam in 2010 for a tennis tournament. To be honest, it was trip I didn't want to take. My doubles partner Daniel wanted to practice on some European red clay (and eat some stroop waffles)before our competition in Cologne. I couldn't afford two trips to Europe, but Daniel offered a flight that he could get for free from his work(he flies all year long) and we would have free accomodation, so it was impossible to turn down. I had been to A'dam 10 years earlier when I was 18 or 19 and I was about to embark on a whole new experience of the city.
Dani and I gearing up for a bikeride.
We went in late May and the weather was just turning to perfect spring weather, everything was in bloom(A'dam is known for its tulips). We rented bikes and stayed with American friends who had a great set up. The tennis facility was outside of the city, so we had a nice long ride to get there. Amsterdam may be the most bike friendly city in the world and you can't believe how many bikes there are. We biked through Vondel park where all the local Dutch people were out and about enjoying the ideal conditions. Something really cool happened on one of my bike rides. Have you ever had a dream of something and then years later see what you dreamed about? I dreamed of a random blue and gray building, it was a lucid dream. Then years later, I was biking by this random blue and gray building. It was a simple structure and I had never seen it before except in my dream, years before. Wonder how that happened.
The tennis facility was beautiful and the ride there was breathtaking. I felt like I was in a Van Gogh painting. After the tennis, Daniel and I did go to Van Gogh museum, which is incredible. I could literally feel the pain of his life in the beauty of his work. Daniel had a similar experience.
I couldn't believe this was the same city I had been 10 years ago. I went there not as a tennis player and was high most of the time.  I must of stayed in the backpacker party areas, which can get a little funky because I just remember experiencing it as dirty and overwhelming. The Anne Frank museum is absolutely mind-blowing and unforgettable.
10 years later, it was fresh and clean or maybe I was fresh and clean.  I wonder what it would be like if I go in another ten years. Literally, I never want to go back to A'dam again because it was such a perfect dream and my memory is so good, I don't want to mess with it. The more time passes the more the memory fades however. Biking through that city, with perfect weather and open markets and meeting new friends from Germany and UK made me want to live in Europe.
A'dam turned out to be a turning point in my life. Something got inside of me there.  I was fairly comfortable in Miami when I left, and when I got back I no longer wanted to live in Miami. I realized there is a whole big world out there and I want to see it. I have virtually been a nomad ever since.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eating C.A.K.E. at Esalen

Esalan Institute is a community in Big Sur nestled in between the Pacific Ocean and Highway 1. It's natural beauty is astounding and truly needs to be experienced firsthand. I first heard of Esalen when I went to massage school and they showed us a video of Esalen massage, done outside, with the waves crashing in the back, it was a far cry from practicing massage in a Baltimore classroom. Life continued to happen and I had heard people mention Esalen here and there and was interested in going but not in any rush.
Last year I was living in Austin and getting involved in 12 step programs and was reading a lot about, addiction, recovery and co-dependence. I was at the book store and I had a feeling of being fed up, I didn't want to read anymore about addiction, and that's when I found a book on the history of Esalen, with the subtitle, the religion of no religion.
Within the first 2 chapters I knew that I needed to go to this place as soon as possible. It just so happened that I was planning a road trip out west, so I went on-line and signed up for a 5 day massage workshop at Esalen. The main thing that struck me about the book was that many people that had founded it had experiences of psychoses and were looking for understanding and alternative ways of healing from it. That is actually what led me to massage school, having psychotic meltdowns and breaks from reality. It was also a place where many well known writers and philosphers had passed through. Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, and Henry Miller. Needless to say, I was extremely excited to go and experience it firsthand.
Route 1 is the most beautiful drive in the country I have experienced.
It had been awhile since I have been in a spiritual community and it felt good, theres something very earthy, natural and rugged about the spiritual centers I have visited. Between learning massage, the people, the food, the baths and the environment. I had fallen in love. There are many things that I could go into or mention, like the naked Didgereedoo meditation, but the main thing I want to convey is that someone planted a seed while I was in the baths. I struck up a conversation with a young lady that was in the middle of a work scholar month. She told me how intense it was and that it felt like her heart and mind were gonna explode regularly. She said something that really resonated, saying that she always dealt with her emotions and stuff on her own and at Esalen she was learning to do it with others and realizing maybe there was a better way. I was the same way, always dealing with my emotions on my own and never really allowing others in on my inner process. Maybe I was making it harder for myself this way.

Maybe I could change.

I had done a meditation retreat a few years prior in Colorado at Shambhala mountain center with Pema Chodron and it was great, but a lot more severe than Esalen. I just want to take a moment to say that I love Buddhist teachers. They really resonate the most for me. For me meeting Pema should be a blog entry in itself.

It was rough leaving Esalen. I spent a few days heartsick in San Francisco-my heart really opened at Esalen. It slowly wore off as I got back to normal and drove through Salt Lake City on my way back to Texas. When I got back to Texas the first thing I did was get online and figure out how I could get back to Esalen as soon as possible. Amazingly, there was a Buddhist teacher Noah Levine, who was leading a month long work study program on Buddhism, recovery from addiction and awakening the heart. It seemed like the perfect combination for everything I was doing.
My lease in Austin was ending in July, the Esalen program didn't begin until the end of October. So I had 3 months and I didn't know for sure that I would get in. So I decided to roam around. For August I went to Denver, Colorado. While in Denver I got the call that I had gotten in for Noah's month.

 I was going back to Esalen!

I went back to Austin for September and spent some time in Chicago before dropping my stuff off at my parents and flying back to Big Sur. I narrowly missed hurricane Sandy and navigated safely to Monterey airport.
When I got back to Big Sur, I was actually really tired, I had done alot of traveling and moving things around to get back and now that I was, I just wanted to rest. Little did I know I was entering one of the most intense, environments I would ever experience.
Sunset after meditation intensive.
I think there were about 20 other work scholars. Work scholars are volunteers for the month, each assigned to one of the 4 department. Kitchen, farm and garden, grounds, and cabins. You work 35 hours a week, in addition to having class with the work scholar teacher that month. I was sleeping in a small room with 3 other grown men and I got put in the grounds department. I love grounds! I feel I really lucked out with this group. We got to work outside almost daily(I did get poison oak a few times-small price to pay). Grounds was such a loving, supportive group to be a part of. I looked forward to waking up and meditating with them and checking in. I hadn't had colleagues in awhile and it was really refreshing.

I suppose all the work scholars were all feeling it out and getting to know each other. It was sink or swim.  There were so many interesting people, not just in the work study program or the teachers, also in our work environments, people in the community and of course the people doing the workshops. Esalen for whatever reason is designed to trigger your stuff so that you can work on it. The first week with the teachers was so intense, I couldn't wait to see how things were going to unfold. I remember mentioning that it seemed to be full of emotion, I just couldn't wait for people to start breaking down.

This was going to be fun.

It was Halloween our first weekend. The Esalen community loves to dress up. It was a blast, we danced all night in our costumes-I dressed up as Vera de Milo, Jim Carreys In Living Color character and no one knew who I was(these people don't watch much TV). I think this is one of the best things about Esalen. You can do really intense, emotional work during the day and then theres happy dance music, theres never too much time to dwell on anything.
The next week, I had a big breakthrough for me. We had all been meditating daily, and I had been seeing things I was doing that weren't very easy to see. One morning, it all culminated. Someone who had gotten on my nerves was sitting at breakfast with us. I was friendly and open to everyone at the table, except him. I completely had the ability to block him out of my existence. After breakfast, I was on my way to meditation and I realized what I had done at breakfast and how I had perfected that ability to block people out and then the story came about what an asshole I was and then the corresponding emotions.  It was a small group, maybe 8 of us. Most notably, the young lady who had planted the seed in my head about doing the work study was there. Vinny, Noah's sidekick was leading the meditation and Enrique, Noah and Vinny's meditation helper was also there. Those people that I couldn't wait until they were going to break down, those people turned out to be me. For the first time in my life, I didn't just cry in front of a group, I bawled like a baby.

Did it feel good?

Yes and no, it was embarressing and I think I even started to disassociate. However Vinny was very skillful and had me open my eyes and look at the people in the group who were all present for me and not judging me. Vinny loved to say, cannonball right into this shit. He thanked me for dropping us off at the deep end. He also said, which really struck me that he had never seen a spiritual emergency, that couldn't be dealt with. Vinny was full of great one liners that stuck with me, such as "I have never seen anyone hate themself into being a better person." and " You can be happy right fucking now" and "I'm glad my happiness isn't dependent on conditions".

 My  emotional boom, started me to spin out and I spent the rest of the month pretty unstable and just holding on for dear life. I got to see all my issues, all my insanity and it was painful, grueling and humbling. I also experienced a tremendous amount of joy. It was both sometimes at the same time.

I don't think I could of done it without all the support I recieved, from my grounds work group, from Noah's heart practices. He gave us meditations to work with and practice. We did a lot of forgiveness exercises. I think I invited everyone into my heart and maybe overdid that. We did compassion, awareness, kindness and equanimity practices. Which I gave the acronym C.A.K.E. too. Which interestingly enough in the Buddhist tradition I was coming from, Shambhala, they have formal practices of offering torma, which is cake, to ones demons essentially. So, there was some overlap there, I was giving C.A.K.E. to all my demons in my life, the things I didn't like or couldn't forgive and accept. Bring compassion, awareness, kindness and equanimity to all my issues.
The best part of all this was the friendship and support I recieved. This was our Heart of Buddhism. Thanks Noah and Dharma Punx. This was the best group I have ever been a part of, even if there was some serious crazy for cocoa puffs(me).
This was right after my first Native American sweat. Vinny is behind me joined with other work scholars and Alex.  I had a near death experience! My pulse was out of control.

Basically one month de-stabilized me, so I wasn't ready to go back to society, so I signed up for a second work scholar month and got into Presence of Touch, which presented the basics of Craniosacral work led by Suzanne Scurlock.
Suzanne and her team were amazing, they facilitated some major breakthroughs and I got to work on trauma stuff. It was exhausting and meaningful.
The last week of my stay, Esalen shut down to the outside and we had staff week. A week of fun and partying. I sang Karaoke. All that she wants. Ace of Base.
To be completely honest, after 6 weeks I was beyond ready to leave. I was tired of no personal space, alone time and not having my own schedule. I am so grateful to Esalen, the people there and the rollercoaster ride of the work scholar months. I have noticed that all spiritual communities seem to end up sharing a common lingo that distinguishes them. The word of Esalen is the process. Processing emotions, experiences, lifetimes. Touching on the human potential and allowing people to be present for themselves, their community and learning how to interact and be a part of a system. I still have a long way to go before I feel I will be a present, useful person for society and my community. Through my process and journey I think I will be eating a lot of CAKE!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Friendship is the shit.

I love my friends. I haven't always been a good friend in my life, to myself or others. I would say its maybe the most important value or ideal to me, Friendship. Actually the main spiritual tradition I am involved with, Shambhala-is all about making friends with yourself. I believe the term they use is Maitri. Which means an unconditional friendly relationship with Life. Its my main goal in life and I am failing so frequently.
Good thing I am ok with being a failure.
I have noticed progress. Sure I can still be a cunt and an asshole, full of hate, pettyness and bastardization. More and more I am able to be friendly and kind to myself and others. I also notice more how much more I suffer and others do when I am an asshole. So, ultimately its a no brainer. Old habits can die hard though.
I find Austin a very welcoming and friendly place and Texans in general to be very superfically warm and friendly. For me, its the right friendly. Its not over the top or invasive.
Actually my friend Becky is the reason I started this blog, she helped me get it going. Becky and her sister Katie just moved to Austin. We met when we were all about 19 and worked at Houlihans together. Here is me and B blogging today. Tex Bex is her blog. She's the real blogger in the family.
We all developed nicknames for each other at Houlihans. We took a page from J-Lo and shortened our names. B-Ma, K-Ma, and J-Ma. Then we became obsessed with Bundt cake and decided we were the Bundt family. We were young, mischievous and had the world in front of us, we just had to get out of Houlihans and our hometown.
Becky and I still laugh about our Houlihan days. There was buck toothed Bonnie from Brunswick who loved that finger licking good ranch dressing. Then there was our arch enemy Daphne, who apparently was married to a biker and had a mullet that would attract any lesbian. Daphne didn't like Becky or Katie because they brought laughter and joy to the restaurant. So we hatched a plan. We wanted to get Daphne soaking wet and do it 'accidently".
There was a huge dish washing area behind the kitchen that you had to walk through on the way to the walk in storage area. The dish washing area had a large hose like apparatus, with a powerful stream meant to loosen food particles. Here was the plan.
Daphne would be on her way to the walk in, Becky would be running away from me as I was pretending to shoot Becky with water, Becky would duck and Daphne's mullet would be matted. Here's what happened. Timing was right.
Becky made a run for it, Daphne had razor sharp reflexes, ducked and safely made it to the walk in. Becky slipped, and on her way down got soaked with the stream of water meant for Daphne's mullet. Becky and I almost peed our pants and Becky's tailbone has never been the same.
Now they're in Austin. Actually as much as waiting tables was horrible. I have met some of my best friends from restaurants. Becky, Katie and Angel from Houlihans. Shannon and Julia from Cheesecake Factory.
Don't let Katies innocence fool you, this is the lady that drove around downtown Frederick screaming at people.
K-ma became a chef and found work right away in the trendy Austin dining scene. Bundts have been re-united. From Frederick County, Houlihans-one decade later to Travis County Austin. Friendships in tact and stronger than ever.